Group Services
Socialization & Effective Communication
This service is provided by an Educational Specialist or an individual with a background in background in psychology and/or social work. Group work will provide opportunities to acquire and enhance social skill development in small class settings.
Socialization classes will focus largely on effective communication skills (listening and expressing oneself), displaying appropriate behaviors in public settings, and effective interpersonal relationships.
Class activities will involve the following:
Learning about and discussing current events topics and developing opinions based on facts, knowledge and experience
Interactive tasks and exercises that require thinking and problem-solving skills
Some classes will have the opportunity to be involved in community service tasks and projects in an effort to work with others as a team with a common goal, as well as, participate in community outings to address social appropriateness
Class participants will have the opportunity to address current obstacles and challenges that are encountered in everyday life and will participate in devising solutions for peers as a group
Practical tasks will also be addressed and rehearsed such as phone skills and verbal communication with the public and/or in public settings.
Individuals will be placed in classes that are appropriate for them in terms of level of functioning, age, experience and/or behavior. Classes will include a minimum of three individuals and a maximum of eight depending on the dynamics of that particular group. Most classes will be less than six individuals. Class sessions are two hours in duration.
Please note classes are not group therapy and are not meant as a substitute for any psychotherapeutic
*Class Schedule coming soon